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1. Individual behaviour is determined by:
(A) The individual's biological constitution 
(B) The individual's acquired traits 
(C) The social and physical context
(D) All of the above 
Answer: (D)

2 In which psycho-sexual development stage the focus of child is on "coping with incestuous sexual feelings". 
(A) Oral (B) Phallic 
(C) Latency (D) Anal 
Answer: (B)

3. Which one of the following is not the component of Goleman's Concept of Emotional Intelligence?
(A) Knowing our own emotions (B) Managing our own emotions 
(C) Analytical ability (D) Interpersonal skills 
Answer: (C)

4. Identify the stage in which a child attains 'object permanence'
(A) sensori-motor (B) pre-operational 
(C) concrete operational (D) formal operational 
Answer: (A)

5. Piaget is mainly known for studying
(A) language development (B) sexual development 
(C) social development (D) cognitive development, 
Answer: (D)

6. Authoritarian parents
(A) demand strict adherence to rigid standards of behaviour 
(B) require little in the way of responsible behaviour from their children 
(C)encourage their children to act responsibly
(D) do not enforce rules 
Answer: (A)

7. According to Piaget, which is the correctorder ofemergence of
following abilities? 
1. Egocentric thinking 2. Manipulation of abstract ideas 
3. Classification of objects 4. Beginning of symbolic thought 
(A)4231 (B)4132 
(C)1342 (D) 1432 
Answer: (B)

8. Match the List-I with List-II:
Type of defense mechanism
(a) Isolation
(b) Projection
(c) Rationalization
(d) Sublimation
List-II  - Basic Idea 
1.Attribution of intentions to originated in self to others.
2. No emotional reaction for the event. 
3.Acceptable reason for unacceptable thought. 
4. Redirecting tensions 
            (a)    (b)   (c)    (d) 
(A)        2      1      3      4    
(B)        1      4      3      2
(C)        3      2      4     1
(D)        4      3      2     1 
Answer: (A)

9 . According to Freud, in which stage the person attains maturity in psycho sexual development.
(A) Oral stage (B) Anal stage 
(C) Phallic stage (D) Genital stage 
Answer: (D)
10. According to Erikson, a major conflict in the first year of life is that between 
(A) Trust versus mistrust 
(B) Initiative versus guilt 
(C) Autonomy versus shame and doubt
(D) Relatedness versus isolation 
Answer: (A)

11. According to Erikson, failure to resolve the tasks of adolescence leads to a sense of ----------------------- involving a concern for one's own needs and comforts only. 
(A) Trust (B)Despair 
(C) Role confusion (D) Stagnation 
Answer: (C)

12. According to --------------- we face specific psycho social crisis at each stage of life.  
(A) James Coleman (B) Lawrence Kohlberg 
(C) Erik Drikson (D) Sigmund Freud 
Answer: (C)

13. Lawrence Kohlberg is known for his research in the area of ------------- development. 
(A) cognitive (B)physical 
(C)motor (D) moral
Answer: (D)

14. Identification with peer groups
(A)Decreases during adolescence 
(B) Reduces self-esteem and self-worth 
(C) Gives adolescent a measure of security and a sense of identity
(D) None of the above 
Answer: (C)

15. A failure to develop a consistent identity results in:
(A) Role confusion (B) Isolation 
(C) Despair (D) Stagnation 
Answer: (A)

16. Teachers, peers, and adults outside the home become important
in shaping attitudes toward oneself in Erikson's stage of 
(A) trust versus mistrust (B) industry versus inferiority 
(C) intiative versus guilt (D) integrity versus despair 
Answer: (B)

17. Conforming to the expectations of others or to socially accept rules and values describes a person at the level of morality. 
(A) preconventional (B) obedience 
(C) concrete (D) conventional 
Answer: (D)

18. Puberty means:
(A) is the same as adolescence 
(B) occurs earlier for boys than for girls
(C) is the period of growth and hormonal changes that lead to the sexual maturity 
(D) involves a growth spurt of 1-2 years during which boys a taller than girls. 
Answer: (C)

19. Kohlberg identified the three levels of moral development as the 
(A) preconventional, conventional, and post conventional 
(B) conditional, unconditional, and post conditional 
(C) self-interested, social, and personal
(D) premoral, conventional, and postethical 
Answer: (A)
20. The "nature" component of the "nature-nurture" question refers to 
(A) our genetic endowment 
(B) the environment in which we are raised 
(C) a combination of genetics and the environment
(D) the personality tendencies that we acquire as we age. 
Answer: (A)

21. A stage theory of development proposes that
(A) all individuals go through the same stages, in the same order
(B) all individuals go through the same stages but can do so in differing orders. 
(C) because the appearance of stages in due to maturation, the environment has no influence on the speed with which individuals move through them. 
(D) all facets of development takes place in all individuals in the same order 
Answer: (B)

22.  Accommodation is the process of
(A) organizing existing mental schemata into larger networks. 
(B) modifying existing schemata in light of new information 
(C) understanding new information in light of existing schemata
(D) understanding the permanence of unseen objects 
Answer: (B)

23. A firm sense of themselves as either male or female is described as a child's 
(A) sex typing (B) gender role 
(C) gender discrimination (D) gender identity
Answer: (D)

24. When a gene is -----------, the trait it controls will be present every time the gene is present. 
(A) recessive (B) polygenic 
(C) dominant (D) hidden 
Answer: (C)

25. Which represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of intellectual development? 
(A) sensorymotor, concrete operational, formal operational, post operational 
(B) pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor 
(C) sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational 
(D) pre-operational, informal operational, formal operational, post operational 
Answer: (C)

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