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Facts about India - 2100 Questions and Answers -10

Facts about India -Questions and Answers -10

1801.  Under whose leadership the British government's Chittagong armoury located in present Bangladesh was attacked on April 18, 1930?
Surya Sen 

1802.  Who was known as 'Master Da'? 
Surya Sen

1803.  When did Surya Sen was hanged?
Januaryl2, 1934 

1804.  S.A. Dange was accused of which conspiracy case? 
Meerut Conspiracy Case

1805.  ln which name Chandrasekhar Tiwari became famous?
Chandrasekhar Azad 

1806.  Who was known as the Lion of Punjab? 
Lala Lajpat Rai

1807.  Name the woman revolutionary who was known as 'Agni Kanya' (Daughter of Fire). 
Beena Das

1808.  Name the woman revolu­tionary who shot at Bengal Governor Stanley Jackson at the convocation ceremony of the Calcutta University on February 6,1932?
Beena Das

1809.  Who published the article 'Philosophy of Bomb'? 
Bhagavati Charan Vohra 

1810. Who was the leader of extremists in INC? 
Bal Gangadhara Tilak

1811.  Name the British writer who dubbed Bal Gangadhara Tilak as the 'Father of Indian  Unrest'?
Sir Valentine Chirol 

1812.  Name the revolutionary who killed himself after shooting down Tirunelveli District Collector Robert Ashe at Maniyachi Railway Station in Madras Province on June 17, 1911? 
Vaanchi Iyer

1813.  Who is the father of the political theory 'Radical Humanism'? 

1814.  Who authored the book 'A  Life of Captivity', which is considered as the 'Bible of Indian revolutionaries'?
Sachindra Nath Sanyal 

1815.  Name the national leader who had been awarded 'Bharat Ratna' posthumously, but had to be withdrawn?
Subhas Chandra Bose 

1816.  Uncompleted autobiography of Subhas Chandra Bose:
An Indian Pilgrim 

1817.  Name the revolutionary who penned poems in the pen name of Hazrat?
Ashfaqulla Khan 

1818.  Which book that Tilak wrote while he was lodged at the Mandala Jail?

1819.  Who is admired as the 'Prince among the martyrs'? 
Bhagat Singh

1820.  Who organised 'Shivaji Utsav', 'Ganeshotsav' in Maharashtra with the aim of strengthening nationalism among people? 
Bal GangadharTilak 

1821.  Who was known as the Maratha Kesari? 
Bal GangadharTilak

1822. Who was known as Shaheed- E Azam?
Bhagat Singh 

1823.  Who penned the book 'Unhappy India'? 
Lala Lajpat Rai

1824 Who was known as 'Kappalottiya Tamilian?
V.O. Chidarnbaran Pillai 

1825.  Following which violent incident did Gandhiji withdraw the Non-Co-operation movement? 
Chauri Chaura incident

1826.  Who is the author of Indian Struggle'?
Subhash Chandra Bose 

1827 Name the Communist leader who was popularly known as Kakababu? 
Muzaffar Ahmed

1828.  Who authored the book '1857 The War of Indian Independence? 
V.D. Savarkar

1829.  Name the publication launched by Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Bhupendranath Dutt in 1906?

1830.  Who wrote 'India in Transition'? 

1831.  Who defended Bhagat Singh in the Lahore Conspiracy case?
Asaf Ali 

1832.  Name the brave heroine of Manipur during the Civil Disobedience Movement? 
Rani Gaidinliu 

1833.  Which tribal leader was regarded as an incarnation of God and father of the world?
Birsa Munda

1834.  What was the pseudo name that Uttam Singh adopted to revenge the Jallianwala Bagh massacre? 
Ram Muhammad Singh Azad

1835.  The founder of Indian National Congress:

1836.  The nationality of A.O. Hume:
Scotland (One of the constituents of the United Kingdom)

1837.  The oldest political party in India: 
Indian National Congress

1838.  Which political party ruled India for the longest period?
Indian National Congress 

1839.  In which year Indian National Congress was founded? 

1840.  Which city was the venue of the first ses­sion of the Indian National Congress?

1841.  The number of woman who attended the first ses­sion of the Indian National Congress:
No woman attended 

1841.  Which institution in Mumbai was the venue of the first congress session? 
Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College

1842.  Thenumberofdelegatesthat attended the first session of Indian National Con­gress held on 1885 December 28-31? 

1843.  Who was the first president of the Indian Na­tional Congress?
Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee

1845.  Who suggested the name Indian National Congress?
Dadabhai Naoroji 

1846.  Who moved the first motion in the first session of the Indian National Congress? 
G. Subramanya Iyer

1847.  What was the demand in the first motion by G. Subramanya Iyer in the first session of the Indian National Congress? 
What was the demand in the first motion by G. Subramanya Iyer in the first session of the Indian National Congress? 

1848.  Which city had been proposed as the ven­ue of the first session of the Indian National Congress but the venue was shifted because of the spreading of plague? 

1849. In which month generally the annual ses­sions of Indian National Congress were held?

1850.  The number of delegates attended the sec­ond session of Indian National Congress: 

1851.  The venue of the second annual session of the Indian National Congress?

1852.  Who presided over the second annual ses­sion of Indian National Congress (1886)?
Dadabhai Naoroji 

1853.  Name an association that merged with the Congress in 1886?
Indian National Conference 

1854.  Name the prominent leader from Malabar who attended the second session of INC held at Kolkata? 
Chenkulath Kunhirama Menon

1855.  In which year an annual session of the Indian National Congress was held in South India for the first time? 

1856.  Name the South Indian city which became the venue of the annual session of the Indian Na­tional Congress for the first time:

1857.  The number of delegates who attended the third session of the Indian National Congress:

1858.  Who was the first Muslim to become Congress president? 
Badruddin Tyabji ( 1887) 

1859. Who founded Dharma Sabha? 
Radhakant Deb

1860. Dharma Sabha was founded in 1830. 

1861.  Who was the first non-Indian to preside over the annual session of Indian National Congress? 
George Yule

1862.  In which year did George Yule become the president of the Indian National Congress?
- 1888

1863. Which city was the venue of the 1888 ses­sion of Indian National Congress? 

1864.  Name the Travancorean who attended the 1889 Mumbai session of INC:
Barrister G.P. Pillai 

1865.  In which year British Committee of the Indian National Congress was formed in London?

1866. The publication launched by the British Committee of Indian National Congress in 1890:

1867.  Who was the first president of the British Committee of the INC? 
'Villiam Wedderburn

1868.  Who was the first secretary of the British Committee of the Indian National Con­gress?
William Digby 

1869.  Name the first woman to address a session of INC? 
Kadambini Ganguli (1889)

1870.  Name the first South Indian to become the president of INC:
P. Ananda Charlu 

1871.  In which year did Ananda Charlu become the president of INC? 
1891 (Nagpur)

1872. The first to become Congress president twice:
W.C. Bannerjee (1885, 1892) 

1873.  In which year did G.P. Pillai become the sec­retary of INC?

1874. Who was the chairman of the Indian Police Commission ap­pointed by Lord Curzon in 1902? 
Andrew H.L. Fraser

1875. The Government of India passed  the Prevention of Seditious Meeting Act in:

1876.  Who wrote the book 'Wake Up India '? 
Annie Besant 

1877.  The Viceroy who created North-West Frontier Province from Punjab in 1901: 

1878.  Name the Governor-General who adopted a policy of the Europeanisation of bureaucra­cy and an exclusion of Indians from higher posts: 

1879. During the reign of which Mar­atha ruler the position of the Pe­shwas became hereditary? 

1880. Who was the chairman of the Royal Commission which was appointed in 1895 to examine the military and civil expenditures incurred and the apportionment of those charges between the Government of Great Britain and Government of India?
Lord Welby 

1881.  The Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were es­tablished on the basis of the recommendation of:
Sir Charles Wood 

1882.  Holding of the ICS examination simultaneously in England and India was done for the first time in ---- 

1883.  Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a famous writer in the language of - ---- 

1884. The British Resident who was killed at Lucknow during the Revolt of 1857: 
Henry Lawrence

1885. The first 'Shakha' of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (R.S.S.) was started in: 

1886.  The song of the Swadeshi Move­ment was:
Vande Mataram 

1887.  From which University in the USA, B.R. Ambedkar received his PhD?

1888.  The Governor-General who founded the Royal Asiatic So­ciety: 
Warren Hastings

1889.  Where did B.R. Ambedkar estab­lished the Depressed Classes Institute?

1890.  Who drafted the Pakistan reso­lution in 1940 which was moved by Fazlul Haq? 
Sikander Hayat Khan

1891.  Who was the Viceroy when the Non-Cooperation movement was repealed? 

1892.  Which of these books was trans­lated into English by Annie Be­sant? 
Bhagavat Gita

1893.  Name the Governor-General who introduced Permanent Revenue Battlement: 

1894. After the pact between Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Irwin in March 1931 many leaders became criti­cal of Mahatma Gandhi's leader­ship. What was the main reason?
The civil disobedience movement was called off

1895.  Mahatma Gandhi attended the Congress session for the first time in 1901. It was held in:

1896.  Muslim League observed 23rd March 1943 as: 
Pakistan Day 

1897. The Governor-General who sup­pressed the Thugs:
William Bentick 

1898.  What became the symbol of the freedom movement of India? 

1899.  Who is called the 'Morning Star' of modern social reform move­ments?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy 

1900. Jawaharlal Nehru attended the Congress session for the first time in 1912. it was held in:

1901 Between the period 1858-1947, how many Viceroys ruled over India?

1902 How many Home Rule Leagues were formed in India in 1916? 

1903. Mahatma Gandhi resigned from Indian National Congress in the year: 

1905. Nehru Report, prepared by Mo­tilal Nehru was a reaction to the: 
Simon Commission

1906.  Who was the President of the Indian National Congress when the first split occurred in 1907? 
Rash Bihari Ghosh

1907.  Kanpur Conference, which is regarded as the foundation of the Communist Party of India in 1925, was held under the pres­ residency of:
Singaravclu Chcttiar 

1908.  Who was known as 'Lion of Sa­tara'? 
Achyut Patwardhan

1909.  Who sent B.R. Ambedkar to Co­lumbia University for doctoral studies? 
Gaekwad of Baroda

1910. The journals 'Al Hilal' and 'Al Balal' were launched by:
Abul Kalam Azad 

1911. C.R. Das was elected the Mayor of the city of: 

1912.  What was the name of the newspaper published by the Indian Muslim League?
Star of India 

1913.  What was the symbol of the Swadeshi Movement? 

1914.  The publication started by Gan­dhiji in South Africa:
Indian Opinion 

1915. Who served as a member of the Cen­tral Legislative Assembly for 26 years and was called 'the father of the Assembly'? 
Narayan Malhar Joshi

1916.  Who founded the Indian Reform Association in 1870?
Keshab Chandra Sen 

1917. Who presided over the Lucknow session in 1916 when the mod­erates and extremists united? 
A.C. Majumdar

1918.  Who was the person to be ar­rested in the Kanpur Conspiracy Case? 
S.A. Dange 

1919.  Who launched the journal 'Pa­khtoon? 
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

1920 Who declared 'Plassey laid the foundation of the British Em­pire; Amritsar has shaken it"? 
Mahatma Gandhi

1921. Mahatma Gandhi started the non-cooperation movement on:
1 August 1920 

1922. The Viceroy to whom Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter in 1930 putting him before an eleven point programme? 

1923.  The Governor-General during the Sepoy Mutiny:

1924.  The journal 'Bahishkrit Bharat' was started by: 
B.R. Ambedkar

1925.  Who said, "Not mercy, but ser­vice for man must be regarded as God"? 
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

1926.  During the reign of which Vice­roy of India elections were held for the first time in 11 Indian states in: 
Lord Linlithgo

1927.  'Bombay Chronicle' was started by:
Pheroz Shah Mehta 

1928.  Who drafted the historic resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic policy for the Karachi session of Indian National Con­gress held in 1931?
Jawaharlal Nehru 

1929.  The Governor-General during the Vellore Mutiny ( 1806): 
George Barlow

1930.  Who became the chief justice of the federal court of India which was started functioning on 1st October 1937?
Maurice Gwyer 

1931. Who declared that " the corpse of Bhagat Singh shall stand be­tween us and England"?
Jawaharlal Nehru 

1932.  The only Viceroy of British India who was assassinated: 

1933. Who served as Viceroy of In­dia from 1864 to 1869 and was known as 'Saviour of Punjab'? 
John Lawrence

1934. Members of the Constituent Assembly appended their sig­natures on the Constitution on: 
24th January 1950 

1935.  The Dual System of Government in Bengal was a brainchild of: 
Robert Clive

1936.  'Mookanayak' was started by: 
B.R. Ambedkar

1937. The first Chief Justice of the Su­preme Court of Calcutta: 
Elijah Impey

1938.  The first English nobleman to come to India to undertake the office of Governor-General: 

1939.  The importance of 22nd October 1764 in Indian History: 
Battle of Buxar

1940.  The leader who is related to the statement "Britain's peril is In­dia's opportunity': 
Subhash Chandra Bose

1941.  The troops of which European power supported Siraj ud Daula in the battle of Plassey? 

1942.  Who was the president of the Constituent Assembly of Paki­stan: 
Muhammad Ali Jinnah

1943.  Who was the Viceroy who re­jected Mahatma Gandhi's plea for the reprieve of Bhagat Singh and his two colleagues from the death sentence?

1944.  Who prepared the 'Dickie Bird Plan' for India's independence? 
Lord Mountbatten

1945. 'Comrade' was launched by: 
Muhammad Ali

1946.  Who established Free India Cen­tre in Berlin?
Subhash Chandra Bose 

1947.  The first newspaper in India 'Bengal Gazette' was started by: 
James Hickey

1948. The Governor-General when Coorg was annexed to British India: 
William Bentick

1949.  The Viceroy who appointed Aitchison Commission on the Public Services in India?
Lord Dufferin 

1950.  During the freedom struggle 'Anusheelan Samiti' opened its branches in:

1951.  After which incident Mahatma Gandhi declared "Co-operation in any shape or form with this satanic government is sinful"?
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 

1952. Lord Mountbatten, the last Vice­roy of British India assumed of­fice on:
24th March 1947 

1953. The last sovereign Nawab of Ben­gal:
Siraj Ud Daula 

1954. The non-cooperation movement of Mahatma Gandhi came to an end on:
12th February 1922 

1955.  When was the First Factory Act passed? 

1956.  Who served as a member of the Central Legislative Assembly and was called the 'father of the Assembly'?
Narayan Malhar Joshi 

1957.  Who authored 'The Story of My Deportation'?
Lala Lajpat Rai 

1958.  Who was known as 'Sarhadi Gandhi'? 
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 

1959.  The home of ----- in Paris be­ came to the headquarters for the Indian revolutionaries around 1910:
Madam Cama 

1960. The viceroy of India who was a poet, novelist and an essayist of repute:
Lord Lytton 

1961. Which Act authorised the Brit­ish government to imprison any person without trial and convic­tion in the court of law?
Rowlatt Act of 1919 

1962.  Who attended the Congress of Oppressed Nationalists at Brus­sels in 1927, on behalf of Nation­al Congress?
Jawaharlal Nehru 

1963.  Who prepared a leaflet titled 'Now or never' advocating sep­arate nation for Muslims and privately circulated it from Cambridge in 1933: 
Rehmat Ali

1964.  Who urged Mountbatten to of­fer Muhammad Ali Jinnah the prime ministership of a united India rather than a separate Muslim nation? 
Mahatma Gandhi

1965.  Who was the founder of Divine Life Society?
Swami Sivananda 

1966.  Who was the Viceroy when the Cabinet Mission visited India? 

1967.  Who was the Viceroy when the interim government assumed power on 2nd September 1946? 

1968.  Who was the leader of the Con­gress party, who introduced Mahatma Gandhi to the concerns in India and the struggle of the people?
Gopal Krishna Gokhale 

1969.  Elections to the Constituent As­sembly was held in the year: 

1970. The first All India Conference of Forward Bloc was held in 1940 at: 

1971.  The leader who was known as the 'Mango of Salem':
C. Rajagopalachari

1972. In how many provinces bicam­eralism was introduced through the Government of India Act 1935?

1973. Which act separated Burma and Aden from India? 
Government of India Act 1935

1974.  Who once remarked 'Nehru is a patriot while Jinnah is a politi­cian'? 
Muhammad Iqbal

1975.  Who was called 'The Hero of Salem'? 
C. Vijayaraghavachariar

1976.  Who was known as the 'Lion of South India'? 
C. Vijayaraghavachariar 

1977.  Who was the President of the Indian National Congress during the Quit India movement?
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 

1978.  The British Prime Minister who appointed the Simon Cornmis­sion: 
Stanley Baldwin

1979.  Name the Viceroy who was called the 'Aurangzeb of British India'? 

1980.  The first Indian to go to jail for his journalistic duties?
Surendra Nath Banerjee 

1981.  The first Non-Indian to become the President of the Indian National Congress?
George Yule 

1982.  The second President of Indian National Congress: 
Dadabhai Naoroji

1983.  Who wrote the history of the Indian National Congress?
Pattabhi Scetharamaiah 

1984.  Who formed in 1929 the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha (BPKS) to mobilise peasant grievances against the zamindari attacks on their occupancy rights: 
Swami Sahajanand Saraswati

1985.  Who was the President of Indian National Congress when India got independence? 
J.B. Kripalani

1986. With whom did the English conclud­ed the Treaty of Surat in 1775?
Raghunath Rao 

1987.  The Viceroy during the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly held on 9th December 1946? 

1988.  The English daily 'The Bengali' was started by:
Surendra Nath Bannerjee 

1989.  Who is called the father of Revolutionary thought in India: 
Bipin Chandra Pal

1990. The founder of the Urdu daily 'Bande Matararn':
Lala Lajpat Rai 

1991 The only Malayali to become the President of INC? 
C. Sankaran Nair

1992. The Viceroy during INA Trial: 

1993.  Which case is related to the throwing a bomb on Viceroy Lord Harding II during a cer­emonial procession?
Delhi conspiracy 

1994. Who became the President of Indian National Congress when Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose resigned in 1939?
Rajendra Prasad 

1995. Who founded the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan in Madras on 1 May 1923?
Singaravclu Chettiar 

1996.  Who was the Viceroy when the first Factory Act was introduced? 

1997. In which session of the Indian National Congress did Mahatma Gandhi become President?

1998. The first piece of Indian soil on which the English exercised sov­ereign authority:
Island of Bombay 

1999.  The war broke out in India as a result of the Seven Years' War between the French and the Eng­lish in Europe: 
The Third Carnatic War

2000.  The war which took place not because of any local causes in India but because of the War of Austrian Succession in Europe:
The First Carnatic War 
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