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Constitution of India - 1700 Questions and Answers 2

Constitution of India- Questions and Answers 2

151. Which Schedule was added by the 74th Amendment?

152. Which Schedule of the Constitution contains names and territorial extents of States and Union Territories?

153. Which State has the largest number of members in the Rajya Sabha?

154. Which state has the largest number of members in the Constituent Assembly?
United Province

155. Which Union territory has the largest number of members in the Rajya Sabha?

156. Who presides over the joint sitting of Parliament?
 Speaker of Lok Sabha

157. Who presides over the Lok Sabha?

158. Who presides over the Rajya Sabha?
Vice President

159. Who represented Scheduled Caste Federation in the Constituent Assembly?
 BR Ambedkar

160. Who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution?
BR Ambedkar

161. Who was the Constitutional advisor to the Constituent Assembly?
 BN Rao

162. Who was the temporary chairman of the Constituent Assembly? 
Sachidananda Sinha

163. The number of languages in the eighth Schedule of the Constitution:

164. The number of languages in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution when it was brought into force:

165. Rajya Sabha is also known as:
Council of States

166. The first chairman of Rajya Sabha:
 S Radhakrishnan

167. The first Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha:
SV Krishnamurthy

168. The first hour of every sitting of Lok Sabha is called the .......
Question Hour

169. The minimum age required to vote in Lok Sabha elections:
170. The tenure of a member of Rajya Sabha is ...... years.

171. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha:
 Vice President

172. Who was known as the ‘father of Rajya Sabha’?
S Radhakrishnan

173. How many members are nominated by the president to the Rajya Sabha:

174. The number of elected members in Rajya Sabha at present:

175. The sovereignty under the Constitution of India is vested with:

176. Which part of the Constitution of India represent the quintessence, the philosophy and the ideals or soul of the Constitution?

177. The date mentioned in the preamble of the Constitution:
 26th November 1949

178. The status of India from 15th August 1947 to 26th January 1950: 
Dominion in the British Commonwealth of Nations

179. “The state shall have no religion of its own and all persons shall be equally entitled to freedom of conscience and right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion”- This principle is termed:

180. As per the provisions of the Constitution, the minimum strength of the State Legislative Assembly is:

181. As per the provisions of the Constitution, the strength of the State Legislative Assembly is limited upto:

182. The cabinet system in India was copied from:

183. From which country Ireland copied Directive Principles?
Spanish Republic

184. If the post of president is vacant, a new president will be elected within ..... months-
185. In case of resignation, the President submits his resignation letter to:
Vice President

186. In which case the Supreme Court gave the verdict that the preamble is a part of the Constitution?
Keshavananda Bharati Case

187. India borrowed the idea of  Fundamental Rights from the Constitution of:

188. Legislative Assembly of which state has a tenure of six years?
 Jammu & Kashmir

189. “A representative and responsible system under which those who administer the affairs of the state are chosen by the electorate and accountable to them”- This refers to:

190. Which term implies an elected head of state:

191. The minimum age required to become a candidate for the post of President:

192. The minimum age required to contest in the election to Legislative Assembly: 

193. The minimum age required to vote in the election to Legislative Assembly:

194. The number of rooms in Rashrapathi Bhavan:

195. The number of states in India with the Legislative Council, the second chamber of the Legislature:

196. The official residence of the President of India, Rashrapathi Bhavan, was designed by:
Edwin Lutyens

197. The idea of single citizenship has been copied from:

198. The idea of Suspension of Fundamental Rights during an emergency  has been copied from:
Weimar Constitution of Germany

199. The idea of the President is the executive head of the state has been copied from:

200. The idea of the Vice President as the chairman of the upper house has been copied from:

201. The idea of a written constitution has been copied from:

202. The Indian state where Article 356 of the Constitution was imposed for the first time:

203. A democratic state with a hereditary head of state:

204. A country with a collective head of state:

205. The words included in the preamble through the 42nd Amendment: 
Socialist, Secular

206. The words ‘Unity of the Nation’ in the preamble was substituted by ....... through the 42nd Amendment:
Unity and Integrity of the Nation

207. In which year preamble was amended?

208. Which amendment amended the preamble?

209. How many words are there in the preamble at present?

210. Who drafted the preamble?
Jawaharlal Nehru

211. The wording of the preamble of India is close to the preamble to the Constitution of :

212. The idea that council of ministers is collectively responsible to the lower house of the Parliament has been copied from:

213. How many times the preamble has been amended?

214. Ministers of the State Legislative Assembly are collectively responsible to the:
 State Legislative Assembly

215. Name a country other than India to have Fundamental Duties in its Constitution:

216. Name the Union Territories that have Legislative Assembly:
 Delhi and Puducherry
217. President is empowered to declare how many types of emergency?

218. Rule of law has been copied from:

219. The distribution of powers between the centre and states has been copied from:

220. The executive powers of the Union of India is vested with:

221. The feature of the Federal Scheme has been borrowed from:
Govt of India Act, 1935

222. The first in world history to codify laws:

223. The first lawgiver of the world:

224. The idea of advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court has been copied from: Canada

225. The idea of appointment of Governors of States by the centre has been copied from:

226. The idea of Parliamentary privileges has been copied from:

227. The idea of placing the residuary powers with the centre was influenced by the Constitution of:

228. The idea of the post of Vice President has been copied from:

229. The idea of prerogative writs has been copied from:

230. The idea of the President as the nominal head of the state has been copied from:

231. The idea of the President is the supreme commander of the armed forces has been copied from:

232. The idea of the Public Service Commission has been copied from:
 Govt of India Act, 1935

233. The Indian state where President’s rule was imposed for the first time: 

234. The law-making procedure in India has been copied from:

235. The Legislative procedure has been copied from:

236. The member of the Constituent Assembly made the remark that “The Preamble is the most precious part of the Constitution.  It is the soul of the Constitution. It is the key to the Constitution”:
Thakurdas Bhargava

237. The method of election of the president has been copied from:

238. The only Indian state that has its own constitution:
 Jammu & Kashmir

239. The ordinances issued by the President must be approved by the President within ...... weeks of the reassembly of Parliament:

240. The post of speaker of Lok Sabha has been copied from:

241. The system of Parliamentary Government has been copied from:

242. The system that the head of the state is a part of parliament has been copied from:

243. The tenure of a member of the Legislative Assembly is ...... years.

244. The tenure of the president of India is ...... years.-

245. Union Territory in South India to have Legislative Assembly: 

246. What is referred to as an ‘epitome’ of the broad features of the Constitution?

247. What is regarded as the cornerstone of modern democracy?
Magna Carta

248. Which Article of the Constitution deals with special provisions regarding Jammu and Kashmir?

249. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the ‘Abolition of untouchability’?

250. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment’?

251. The preamble of the Constitution begins with We, the people of India..... 
Indira Gandhi

252. The preamble of the Constitution came into force on:
26th January 1950

253. The procedure for removing the President of India, if he violates the Constitution:

254. The procedure of election of members to the upper house has been copied from:
South Africa

255. The idea of Fundamental Rights has been copied from:

256. The idea of impeachment of the President has been copied from:

257. The idea of Independence of the Judiciary has been copied from:

258. The idea of joint sitting of two houses of parliament has been copied from:

259. The idea of Judicial review has been copied from:

260. The idea of a more powerful lower house has been copied from:

261. The idea of nominating eminent members to the Rajya Sabha has been copied from:

262. Which state has the largest number of Legislative Council seats?
Uttar Pradesh

263. Which state has the largest number of Lok Sabha seats?

264. Which state has the largest number of Rajya Sabha seats?
Uttar Pradesh

265. The procedure of impeachment has been copied from:

266. The procedure of removal of judges of the High Court and Supreme Court has been copied from:

267. The provisions regarding trade and commerce have been copied from: Australia

268. The scheme of federation with a strong centre has been copied from: 

269. The South Indian states with Legislative Council:
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana

270. The status of Delhi as per the Constitution:
National Capital Territory

271. The system of election in India has been copied from:

272. Which Article of the Constitution is related to President’s rule in State?

273. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth?

274. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the impeachment of the President? 

275. Which state has the largest number of Legislative Assembly seats?
Uttar Pradesh

276. The idea of Bicameralism has been copied from:

277. The idea of a Concurrent List has been copied from:

278. The idea of Directive Principles of State Policy has been copied from:

279. The idea of the elected president as the head of the state has been copied from: Ireland

280. The idea of Fundamental Duties has been copied from:
Former USSR

281. Which state has the least number of Legislative Council seats?
 Jammu & Kashmir

282. Which state has the least number of members in its Legislative Assembly?

283. Which State/ Union Territory has the least number of members in its Legislative Assembly?

284. Who administers the oath of office of the President?
Chief Justice of India

285. Who is called “the first among the equals”?
Prime Minister

286. Who is known as the ‘keystone of the cabinet arch?
Prime Minister

287. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the Planning Commission?
 Prime Minister

288. Who made the statement “The Preamble of the Constitution is the horoscope of our Sovereign Democratic Republic”?
 KM Munshi

289. Who performs the duties of the President in his/her absence of the president and vice president?
 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

290. Who performs the duties of the President in his/her absence?
Vice President

291. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the issuance of ordinances by the President?

292. From which community the President of India can nominate two members to Lok Sabha to ensure representation?

293. Who summons the Lok Sabha?

294. Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha?
The President

295. Amendment by special majority means the bill is passed in each house by a majority of the total membership and by a majority not less than ........ of the members that house present and voting:
Two thirds

296. Amendment that needs ratification by states must be ratified by Legislatures of not less than ...... of the states-
 One half

297. From which country India adopted the ideas of Fundamental Duties? 
Former USSR

298. The Articles of the Constitution related to Directive Principles of State Policy:
36 to 51

299. The Constitutional Amendment granted a position of primacy to all Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights:

300. The Inter-State Council is presided over by:
Prime Minis

301. The largest amendment of the Constitution was:

302. The makers of the Constitution borrowed the idea of Directive Principles of State Policy from the Constitution of:

303. The maximum number of members in the Subordinate Legislation Committee:

304. The number of Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution:

305. From which country India copied the procedure of amendment of the Constitution?
South Africa

306. Full statehood was granted to Arunachal Pradesh by .....amendment.

307. In how many ways the Constitution of India can be amended?

308. In which year the Indian National Congress passed a resolution in Madras which declared that ‘the basis of future Constitution of India must be a declaration of Fundamental Rights’?

309. ‘Right to equal opportunity for justice and free legal aid was added to Directive Principles through ..... amendment.

310. The 42nd Amendment was introduced after the recommendations of ..... Committee.
Swaran Singh

311. The 73rd Amendment of the Constitution came into force in-

312. The 84th amendment of the Constitution in 2000 created ...... states.

313. The Amendment of the Constitution that restored the life of Lok Sabha and State Assemblies from 6 years to five years:

314. The Amendment included Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution making a total of 22:

315. Which Article declares that the state shall endeavour to promote international peace and security?

316. Which Article enacts that all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion?

317. Which article is related to ‘Freedom of Press’?
Article 19(1) (a)

318. Which Article is related to the ‘Right to Constitutional Remedies’?

319. Which Article is related to the separation of the judiciary from the executive?

320. Which Article of the Constitution deals with Amendment procedure?

321. The Article related to the prohibition of cow slaughter:

322. In which Article of the Constitution Fundamental Duties are mentioned?

323. In which part of the Constitution Directive Principles of State Policy are included?

324. In which part of the Constitution the Fundamental Rights are included?

325. In which year 44th Amendment of the Constitution was passed?

326. The article that deals with Equality before the law: 

327. The Articles of the Constitution of India deal with Right to Equality:
14 to 18

328. The number of Fundamental Rights at present:

329. The number of Fundamental Rights when the Constitution was brought into force?

330. The number of members from the Rajya Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:

331. The only state in India where a uniform civil code has been implemented: 

332. The president has the power to suspend the enforcement of any or all the Fundamental Rights during an emergency as per Article:

333. The President of India to exercise pocket veto:
Zail Singh

334. The state shall organise village panchayats as units of self-government. This is enshrined in Article:

335. The state shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of weaker sections of people. To which Article this is related?

336. Which amendment of the Constitution removed ‘the right to property’ from the list of Fundamental Rights?

337. In which year the first Constitution Bill was passed?

338. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the ‘Abolition of titles’?

339. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases’?

340. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Protection in respect of convict of offenders’?

341. Constitutional safeguards against arbitrary dismissal of a member of civil service are embodied in Article —— of the Constitution of India:

342. The normal tenure of Panchayats is:
 Five years

343. The number of Articles related to Fundamental Rights when the original
Constitution was brought into force:

344. The number of Articles under the Directive Principles when the Constitution was brought into force:

345. The number of Articles when the original constitution was brought into force:  

346. The number of members from Lok Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:

347. The number of members in the estimate committee of Parliament:

348. Which Article of the Constitution is related to the ‘Protection of life and personal liberty’?

349. Which Article of the Constitution is related to protecting certain rights regarding freedom of speech?

350. Which Article states that “State shall try to promote cottage industries”?
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