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General English - Questions & Answers - 4

General English - Questions & Answers - 4

451. He was the court appointed lawyer for fifty-six INDIGENT defendants (Select the synonym of the word given in CAPITAL letters)
(a) Indian men                              (b) Poor
(c) Guilty                                         (d) Untried
Answer: (b)

452. Gopi had to stand on his feet very early in his life ( Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase underlined):
(a) To be physically strong         (b) To be independent
(c) To stand erect                           (d) To be successful
Answer: (b)

453. Which part of the sentence has an error?
(a)As soon as /                                     (b)the lion saw the deer/
(c)he began to run after it/              (d)No error
Answer: (d)

454. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘MEEK’:
(a) Light-hearted                            (b) Serious
(c) Submissive                                  (d) Benign
Answer: (c)

455. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘ACCOMPLISH’:
(a) Fail                                                  (b) Improper
(c) Disagreeable                                (d) Scatter
Answer: (a)

456. They _____  that house when I was here last year:
(a) have been building                     (b) have built
(c) were building                               (d) had been building
Answer: (c)

457. In which part of the sentence is the mistake?
(a) I/                                               (b) have bought/
(c) new/                                         (d) furnitures.
Answer: (d)

458. Select the correctly spelt word:
(a) Decidious                                      (b) Decidous
(c) Desiduous                                     (d) Deciduous
Answer: (d)

459. The synonym of ‘plain’:
(a) Smooth                                        (b) Simple
(c) Soft                                                (d) Shining
Answer: (b)

460. The doctor found the patient INERT (Select the antonym of the word given
in CAPITAL letters)
(a) Active                                            (b) Lazy
(c) Strong                                             (d) Resolute
Answer: (a)

461. It started to rain while we _____ cricket.
(a) is playing                                             (b) are playing
(c) were playing                                      (d) had been playing
Answer: (c)

462. There _____ no showers since last month.
(a) are                                                    (b) were
(c) have been                                        (d) will be
Answer: (c)

463. One who can speak two languages:
(a) Ventriloquist                                 (b) Ambidextrous
(c) Bilingual                                         (d) Scholar
Answer: (c)

464. ‘Alias’ means:
(a) Otherwise                                     (b) Assistant
(c) Genuine                                          (d) entirely
Answer: (a)

465. Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word IDENTICAL:
(a) Unfamiliar                                           (b) Unlikely
(c) Improper                                             (d) Different
Answer: (d)

466. The referee ordered two players ____ the field.
(a) on                                                         (b) beside
(c) off                                                          (d) behind
Answer: (c)

467. In every locality some people are always _____
(a) quarelling                                         (b) quarrelsome
(c) quarelled                                           (d) quarrel
Answer: (b)

468. One who hates mankind:
(a) Philanthropist                                 (b) Misanthrope
(c) Misogynist                                         (d) Misologist
Answer: (b)

469. Would you please rectify the mistake? ‘Rectify’ means:
(a) Regularize                                           (b) Clarify
(c) Condone                                               (d) Correct
Answer: (d)

470. ‘Sweet are the uses of ____’.
(a) adverb                                                   (b) adversity
(c) audacity                                                (d) audibility
Answer: (b)

471. When I failed in the examination my dad was___
(a) fury                                                      (b) furiously
(c) furious                                                 (d) furiousness
Answer: (c)

472. The belief that God is everything and everything is god:
(a) Pantheism                                              (b) Atheism
(c) Monotheism                                          (d) Polytheism
Answer: (a)

473. The antonym of ‘Deserter’:
(a) Follower                                                  (b) Minion
(c) Flatterer                                                      (d) Loyalist
Answer: (d)

474. Ramu ____ nothing at all.
(a) is doing                                                        (b) is not doing
(c) didn’t go                                                       (d) doing
Answer: (a)

475. One who pretends to be what he is not:
(a) Hypocrite                                                    (b) Imposter
(c) Truant                                                          (d) Iconoclast
Answer: (a)

476. Commencement of words with the same letter:
(a) Alliteration                                               (b) Synonym
(c) Pangram                                                    (d) Rhyme
Answer: (a)

477. Many a life ____ lost in the ship wreck.
(a) were                                                           (b) has been
(c) have been                                                  (d) are
Answer: (b)

478.  Father shall return ——— an hour.
(a) during                                                       (b) at
(c) within                                                        (d) in
Answer: (c)

479. I cannot agree ____ your proposal.
(a) to                                                                (b) with
(c) with                                                            (d) by
Answer: (a)

480. Velu Thampy Dalawa _____ a brave fight against British Army
(a) Put up                                                        (b) Put off
(c) Put in                                                          (d) Put down
Answer: (a)

481. The adverb of ‘brave’ is:
(a) Bravery                                                      (b) Brave
(c) Bravo                                                          (d) Bravely
Answer: (d)

482. The meaning of ‘Make out’:
(a) Read                                                             (b) Build
(c) Understand                                                (d) Recognise
Answer: (c)

483. Come what may I shall adhere _____ my principles.
(a) with                                                             (b) to
(c) on                                                                 (d) upon
Answer: (b)

484. The collective noun for ‘robbers’:
(a) troupe                                                          (b) gang
(c) board ‘                                                           (d) team
Answer: (b)

485. Please wait ____  I am ready.
(a) as                                                                      (b) as long
(c) till                                                                     (d) after
Answer: (c)

486. Which pair is incorrect?
(a) Earth-Terrestrial                                        (b) Sun-Solar
(c) Moon-Celestial                                             (d) Hell-Infernal
Answer: (c)

487. Which one of the following is not a synonym of ‘Abridge’:
(a) shorten                                                            (b) condense
(c) summorise                                                      (d) connect
Answer: (d)

488. Loss of power to move in any or every part of the body:
(a) Rheumatism                                                   (b) Paralysis
(c) Eczema                                                             (d) Leprosy
Answer: (b)

489. He takes interest _____ film making:
(a) for                                                                         (b) to
(c) with                                                                      (d) in
Answer: (d)

490. ____ he is the most intelligent student, he is not at all proud.
(a) But                                                                      (b) Though
(c) Because                                                             (d) Since
Answer: (b)

491. The noun form of ‘eccentric’ is:
(a) eccentric                                                          (b) eccentrician
(c) eccentricise                                                     (d) eccentricity
Answer: (d)

492. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Colaboration                                                    (b) Collaboration
(c) Colaberation                                                    (d) Collaberation
Answer: (b)

493. Cigarette smoking is injurious _____ health.
(a) towards                                                               (b) against
(c) for                                                                          (d) to
Answer: (d)

494. Scarcely had I gone to bed _____  the telephone rang.
(a) when                                                                    (b) while
(c) then                                                                       (d)  as soon as
Answer: (a)

495. ‘Mull’ means:
(a) Think                                                                 (b) Recommend
(c) Punish                                                                (d) Provoke
Answer: (a)

496. ‘Bona fide’ is:
(a) In good faith                                                        (b) Birth place
(c) Cheating                                                                (d) Stealing
Answer: (a)

497. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others.
(a) Masochism                                                           (b) Redemption
(c) Sadism                                                                   (d) Psychopathy
Answer: (c)

498. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Audeo                                                                     (b) Video
(c) Telivision                                                               (d) Radeo
Answer: (b)

499. He has a habit of ‘building castles in the air’ (Choose the word nearest in
meaning of the underlined words)
(a) Building huge castles                                        (b) Dreaming
(c) Doing hard work
(d) To have plans that are unlikely to be fulfilled
Answer: (d)

500. The antonym of ‘Barren’ is:
(a) Fertile                                                                    (b) Dry
(c) Uncultivated                                                        (d) Wet
Answer: (a)

501. She told____ me an interesting story.
(a) to                                                                   (b) by
(c) with                                                               (d) no preposition needed
Answer: (d)

502. The sound made by jackals:
(a) Howl                                                             (b) Bray
(c) Low                                                               (d) Trumpet
Answer: (a)

503. ‘To bring to book’ means:
(a) To praise                                                     (b) Confused
(c) To punish                                                    (d) To suspect
Answer: (c)

504. The ship waited till the storm ____ before sailing out to sea.
(a) evaporated                                                 (b) consolidated
(c) abated                                                          (d) normalized
Answer: (c)

505. The boy was unwilling to part ____his toys.
(a) for                                                                 (b) at
(c) on                                                                  (d) with
Answer: (d)

506. ‘Eulogistic’ is the antonym of:
(a) Critical                                                       (b) Cowardly
(c) Affluent                                                      (d) Logistic
Answer: (a)

507. The firm progressed ______
(a) ways and means                                     (b) heart and soul
(c) hue and cry                                               (d) by leaps and bounds
Answer: (d)

508. The opposite of the word ‘Arrogant’:
(a) Flexible                                                     (b) Proud
(c) Polite                                                         (d) Humble
Answer: (d)

509. John usually goes to work ____ bus.
(a) by                                                               (b) in
(c) on                                                               (d) with
Answer: (a)

510. She proved herself very ____ in Chess.
(a) adopt                                                             (b) adapt
(c) adept                                                              (d) None of these
Answer: (c)

511. The housewife ____ the cakes burning, and ran to switch off the oven.
(a) smell                                                            (b) smells
(c) smelt                                                             (d) smelling
Answer: (c)

512. We had a discussion ___ what we should do.
(a) about                                                           (b) at
(c) on                                                                 (d) No preposition
Answer: (a)

513. Sony tried to conceal the package, i.e., he tried to ____ the package.
(a) wrap                                                            (b) tie up
(c) open                                                             (d) hide
Answer: (d)

514. After a long delay, the plane finally ____
(a) walk off                                                            (b) drive off
(c) rode off                                                            (d)  took off
Answer: (d)

515. The synonym of ‘Superb’:
(a) Talent                                                              (b) Excellent
(c) Powerful                                                         (d) Tasty
Answer: (b)

516.  In the UK many people learn to drive _______ 17.
(a) at                                                                        (b) in
(c) on                                                                      (d) to
Answer: (a)

517. Girish is not very popular. He has ____ friends.
(a) much                                                         (b) many
(c) few                                                              (d) little
Answer: (c)

518. Detaining and confining someone:
(a) Interruption                                                 (b) Interrogation
(c) Interment                                                      (d) Internment
Answer: (d)

519. The proud king turned a deaf ear to the ____ of his wise counsellors.
(a) advices                                                        (b) Advises
(c) Advice                                                          (d) Advise
Answer: (c)

520.   Do you believe in love __________ first sight?
(a) in                                                                (b) on
(c) at                                                                (d) with
Answer: (c)

521. One who criticizs popular beliefs which he thinks are mistaken or unwise:
(a) Philistine                                                 (b) Iconoclast
(c) Imposter                                                  (d) Cannibal
Answer: (b)

522. Something that relates to everyone in the world:
(a) General                                                       (b) Common
(c) Usual                                                           (d) Universal
Answer: (d)

523. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Convinience                                                (b) Initative
(c) Honorarium                                                (d) Concesional
Answer: (c)

524.  I read some magazines _______ I was waiting to see the doctor.
(a) at                                                                  (b) during
(c) on                                                                 (d)  while
Answer: (d)

525. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word
(a) Liberate                                                 (b) Exist
(c) Correct                                                   (d) Restrain
Answer: (a)

526. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word ‘REWARD’:
(a)Forfeiture                                      (b) Demotion
(c) Retribution                                   (d) Penalty
Answer: (d)

527. I went to my native village with the _____ of starting a school for the poor.
(a) opinion                                              (b) intention
(c) suggestion                                       (d) presumption
Answer: (b)

528. Which word is mis-spelt?
(a)Peninsula                                                        (b) Pilferer
(c) Pesimistic                                                      (d) Coronation
Answer: (c)

529. The meaning of ‘EMPHASIS’:
(a)Measure                                                            (b) Describe
(c) Explain                                                            (d) Stress
Answer: (d)

530. The past participle of ‘Ring’:
(a)Ring                                                                    (b) Rang
(c) Rung                                                                  (d) Ring
Answer: (c)

531. Policy of a political party:
(a)Manifesto                                                         (b) Agenda
(c) Circular                                                            (d) Corrigendum
Answer: (a)

532. Fit words are better ____ fine words.
(a) than                                                                       (b) besides
(c) to                                                                            (d) from
Answer: (a)

533. Our country is committed to _____ peace all over the world.
(a)starting                                                           (b) maintaining
(c) encompassing                                                   (d)  settle
Answer: (b)

534. The dacoits ___ to the police after much resistance.
(a)gave up                                                               (b) turned down
(c) gave in                                                               (d)  passed away
Answer: (c)

535. I am not older than you, __?
(a)aren’t I                                                                  (b) amn’t
(c) weren’t I                                                               (d)  am I
Answer: (d)

536. Some people ____ from voting.
(a) denied                                                                  (b) abstained
(c) refused                                                                 (d) declined
Answer: (b)

537. Epilogue is:
(a)Introductory part of a literary work
(b) Story line of a literary work
(c) Concluding part of a literary work
(d)  Synopsis of a literary work
Answer: (c)

538. ____ she had many misfortunes, she is always cheerful.
(a)If                                                                              (b) In spite of
(c) Although                                                                (d) Always
Answer: (c)

539. This is a holy shrine and not a place for every Tom, Dick and ___.
(a)Mary                                                                  (b) Sundry
(c) Gopi                                                                    (d) Harry
Answer: (d)

540. The art of elegant speech or writing:
(a)Rhetoric                                                             (b) Calligraphy
(c) Eugenics                                                            (d) Obnoxious
Answer: (a)

541. Finding fault ___ others is a bad habit.
(a) in                                                                         (b) with
(c) of                                                                        (d) about
Answer: (b)

542. I do not speak with Raju. I’ve fallen ___ with him.
(a) away                                                                  (b) back
(c) through                                                              (d)  out
Answer: (a)

543. They fought ___ the last man.
(a) to                                                                        (b) in
(c) on                                                                       (d) by
Answer: (a)

544. His friends didn’t go on vacation, ___?
(a)didn’t they                                                     (b) did they
(c) do they                                                           (d) didn’t it
Answer: (b)

545. David likes _____ to music in the evening.
(a) listen                                                                (b) listens
(c) to listened                                                      (d) listening
Answer: (d)

546. It took the dancer two hours to _____  her make up.
(a) put over                                                      (b) put in
(c) put up                                                           (d) put on
Answer: (d)

547. I _____ forgotten to set my alarm clock, so I was late for my train.
(a)was                                                                  (b) were
(c) did                                                                  (d) had
Answer: (d)

548. The correct spelling is:
(a)Hypocrisy                                                        (b) Hypocricy
(c) Hipocrisy                                                         (d) Hippocrisy
Answer: (a)

549. ‘Avocation’ means:
(a)Profession                                                            (b) Hobby
(c) Remuneration                                                    (d) Intelligence
Answer: (b)

550. One engaged in fighting:
(a)Ally                                                                         (b) Associate
(c) Belligerent                                                           (d) Foe
Answer: (c)

551. Prajitha is not ____ for this kind of job.
(a) cut in                                 (b) cut up
(c) cut through                      (d) cut out
Answer: (d)

552. The peon ___  (ring) the bell when the time is over (Use the correct form of verb given in bracket):
(a) will ring                            (b) rang
(c) is ringing                            (d) rings
Answer: (a)

553. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of ‘DEFT’:
(a) Vigorous                                (b) Swift
(c) Skillful                                    (d) Deceitful
Answer: (c)

554. I’m well, thank you. And _____  are you?
(a) how                                         (b) what
(c) who                                         (d) when
Answer: (a)

555. The wrongly spelt word is:
(a) Exhibition                             (b) Experimental
(c) Elemental                                (d) Exorbitant
Answer: (d)

556. Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth:
(a) Legitimate                              (b) Genetic
(c) Congenital                              (d) Native
Answer: (c)

557. How much does ____ have to pay?
(a) she                                           (b) her
(c) hers                                        (d) herself
Answer: (a)

558. Mini can ____  English very well.
(a) speak                                       (b) to speak
(c) speaking                                   (d) speaks
Answer: (a)

559. The government has introduced a project to help _____, especially the
weavers and ivory makers, find a market for their products.
(a) artisans                                          (b) partisans
(c) artists                                              (d) technicians
Answer: (a)

560. Yesterday they ____ very well in their class.
(a) do                                                      (b) will be
(c) does                                                  (d) did
Answer: (d)

561. Oh God! Keep me ____ sin.
(a) of                                                        (b) off
(c) at                                                        (d) on
Answer: (b)

562. My uncle, ____ I loved, is dead.
(a) whom                                              (b) who
(c) that                                                    (d) what
Answer: (a)

563. A place where medicines are dispensed especially to the poor, gratis:
(a) Brewery                                      (b) Kiln
(c) Dispensary                                   (d) Aviary
Answer: (c)

564. The public are cautioned ___ pickpockets.
(a) against                                       (b) from
(c) at                                                  (d) in
Answer: (a)

565. The actor _____ from the crowd because of his curly hair.
(a) stood up                                         (b) stood away
(c) stood on                                            (d) stood out
Answer: (d)

566. He bled so profusely _____ he died.
(a) lest                                                    (b) or
(c) yet                                                    (d) that
Answer: (d)

567. He hanged himself _____ a piece of cloth.
(a) with                                                (b) at
(c) in                                                      (d) on
Answer: (a)

568. The walls are covered in ______ stripes of red and blue.
(a) alternative                                  (b) alternate
(c) altitude                                         (d)  None of these
Answer: (b)

569. Find out the relevant single term which means “the philosophy of pleasure’:
(a) Egoism                                           (b) Nihilism
(c) Optimism                                       (d)  Epicureanism
Answer: (d)

570. In ____ words Raju expressed his gratitude.
(a) a few                                                  (b) the few
(c) few                                                    (d) None of these
Answer: (a)

571. A simple advice to heart patients is : “Get medical check up _____”.
(a) constantly                                 (b) occasionally
(c) regularly                                    (d)  compulsorily
Answer: (c)

572. A narrow pathway over the stage of a theatre, along a bridge, etc.
(a) Podium                                           (b) Catwalk
(c) Downtime                                      (d) Pedestal
Answer: (b)

573. The noun form of ‘investigate’:
(a) Investment                                     (b) Instigation
(c) Invest                                                (d) Investigation
Answer: (d)

574. Pick the word with the correct spelling:
(a) Convener                                            (b) Convenir
(c) Convenor                                             (d) Conwenor
Answer: (c)

575. Complete the proverb: Rome wasn’t built in ___.
(a) an year                                                    (b) a month
(c) a week                                                       (d) a day
Answer: (d)

576. Either of the alternatives ___ good.
(a) are                                                            (b) is
(c) have                                                         (d) will
Answer: (b)

577. We shall be ready ___ a few minutes.
(a) in                                                               (b) on
(c) at                                                                 (d) by
Answer: (a)

578. The antonym of ‘Diffident’ is:
(a) Confident                                                 (b) Afraid
(c) Difficult                                                    (d) Indifferent
Answer: (a)

579. Which one of the following words spelt correctly?
(a) Coreography                                           (b) Choriography
(c) Choreography                                         (d) Chariography
Answer: (c)

580. The girl ____ fainted.
(a) has                                                             (b) have
(c) will                                                             (d) was
Answer: (a)

581. Which is not correctly matched?
(a) Asses-bray                                           (b) Cattle- trumpet
(c) Dogs- bark                                           (d) Frogs- croak
Answer: (b)

582. I assured him_____ my support.
(a) from                                                     (b) of
(c) by                                                             (d) with
Answer: (b)

583. The phrase ‘Root out’ means:
(a) Destroy completely                      (b) Form roots
(c) Give strong support                     (d) Search for something
Answer: (a)

584. The word “Extempore” means:
(a) Exquisite                                         (b) Dear
(c) Perfect                                              (d) without preparation
Answer: (d)

585. The word “Delicacy” means:
(a) Shy                                                    (b) Weakness
(c) Sensitive                                          (d) Thin
Answer: (b)

586. Papparazzi means:
(a) Hater of women
(b) Male features appears in women
(c) Reporters of yellow journals
(d) Photographers
Answer: (c)

587. If you had invited him he _____ come.
(a) would                                              (b) will
(c) would have                                     (d) was
Answer: (c)

588. My younger brother has just _____  a letter from his girl friend.
(a) receive                                             (b) received
(c) to receive                                         (d) receiving
Answer: (b)

589. A bird in hand is better than two in the
(a) town                                                  (b) village
(c) bush                                                   (d) river
Answer: (c)

590. The idiom ‘To make both ends meet’:
(a) To compromise with the enemy
(b) To live with one’s salary
(c) To confess
(d) To keep one’s promise
Answer: (b)

591. The judge finds him guilty ___ murder.
(a) with                                                    (b) by
(c) at                                                          (d) of
Answer: (d)

592. The doctor gave him an injection to _____ the temperature.
(a) put down                                       (b) get down
(c) bring down                                    (d) take down
Answer: (c)

593. I am fond of ____  to jass.
(a) listening                                       (b) listen
(c) to listen                                         (d) None of these
Answer: (a)

594. Would you mind ____  the window.
(a) close                                                (b) to close
(c) closing                                            (d) None of these
Answer: (c)

595. Raju is displeased _____ his wife.
(a) on                                                         (b) with
(c) by                                                          (d) to
Answer: (b)

596. We ran as ____ as we could.
(a) quickly                                                  (b) the most quickly
(c) most quickly                                         (d) more quickly
Answer: (a)

597. Equal in rank , merit or quality:
(a) Chum                                                      (b) Contemporary
(c) Peer                                                         (d) Colleague
Answer: (c)
598. The plural of ‘leaf’:
(a) Lives                                                     (b) Leafs
(c) Leaves                                                  (d) Leafes
Answer: (c)

599. Murder of a king:
(a) Matricide                                             (b) Genocide
(c) Regicide                                               (d) Homicide
Answer: (c)

600. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(a) Coincidence                              (b) Coincidense
(c) Coinsidence                              (d) coincidence
Answer: (a)
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